Ultrastar Deluxe Download

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UltraStar Deluxe is a Karaoke game that was inspired by the SingStar™ game available on the Sony PlayStation platform. UltraStar Deluxe allows players to sing along with music using microphones in order to score points, depending on the pitch of the voice and the rhythm of singing. May 02, 2013  Download UltraStar for free. PC conversion of famous karaoke game - Singstar. UltraStar allows a computer to evaluate how good you are when you sing by analyzing your voice pitch. UltraStar Deluxe. A free sing-along karaoke game for your PC Endless Sky. Endless Sky is a sandbox-style space exploration game. Jul 11, 2019  UltraStar Deluxe works using DRM free audio files or users can also use their music, which they already own, on CD and is stored on their computer. In conclusion, UltraStar Deluxe is completely free to download and use with more than 10,000+ songs already available to use. You can use this to pass time with company and score yourselves.

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The free and open source karaoke singing game UltraStar Deluxe, inspired by Sony SingStar™ game karaoke ultrastar singing Pascal 88 300 155 (20 issues need help) 3 Updated Oct 3, 2019. Play The free and open source karaoke singing game UltraStar Play. Vocaluxe is a free and open source singing game, inspired by SingStar™ and the great Ultrastar Deluxe project. It allows up to six players to sing along with music using microphones in order to score points, depending on the pitch of the voice and the rhythm of singing. Download Now! UltraStar Deluxe is a free open source karaoke game for your PC. The gameplay experience is similar to that of the commercial product SingStar™ by Sony Computer Entertainment, which is exclusively available for the Playstation®.

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  • USDX

    The free and open source karaoke singing game UltraStar Deluxe, inspired by Sony SingStar™

    Pascal 88 302 155 (20 issues need help) 4 Updated Oct 8, 2019
  • Play

    The free and open source karaoke singing game UltraStar Play for Windows, Linux, Android, Xbox, PlayStation and other platforms.

    C#MIT 14 31 15 (8 issues need help) 1 Updated Oct 7, 2019
  • UltraStar-Creator

    UltraStar Creator

  • UltraStar-Manager

    UltraStar Manager

  • ultrastar-deluxe.github.io

    Official website of the UltraStar Deluxe karaoke game

    CSSMIT 2 15 5 (3 issues need help) 0 Updated May 18, 2018
  • songs

    Creative Commons licensed song packages for sing-along karaoke

    1 2 0 0 Updated Dec 17, 2017

Official Project Website: https://usdx.eu/

1. About

UltraStar Deluxe (USDX) is a free and open source karaoke game. It allows up to six players to sing along with music using microphones in order to score points, depending on the pitch of the voice and the rhythm of singing.UltraStar Deluxe is a fork of the original UltraStar (developed by corvus5).Many features have been added like party mode, theme support and support for more audio and video formats.The improved stability and code quality of USDX enabled ports to Linux and Mac OS X.

2. Release Notes

  • New features contain 6 player on one screen capability, jukebox player, new song selection screen modes (Chessboard, Carousell, Slot machine, Slide, List, Tile), during gameplay you can see on the time bar when there are lyrics to sing, duet mode, new party modes, support for current versions of Microsoft Windows,
  • To set additional song directories change your config.ini like this:
  • To take a screenshot press PrintScreen key. Screenshots are saved in the directory screenshots.
  • To enable joypad support change config.ini Joypad=Off to Joypad=On
  • To enable 2 or 3 player each on 2 screens, disable the full screen mode, extend your desktop horizontally and set the resolution to fill one screen. Then, in the config.ini set Screens=2 and restart the game.
  • Press [Shift] + F[1.12] in NameScreen to save the name of a player (alternative use [Shift] instead of [Alt], keep in mind [Alt]+[F4] quits the game on platforms like Windows), press F[1.12] to load the name of a player
  • The primary folder for songs on OS X is $HOME/Music/UltraStar Deluxe, which is created when UltraStar Deluxe is run for the first time.
  • On OS X, by default the config.ini file is created in $HOME/Library/Application Support/UltraStarDeluxe when UltraStar Deluxe is run for the first time.

3. Command-Line Parameters

Note: This is currently broken / in development.

Command-line parameters are passed to the game adding it to the path of ashortcut or starting the game within the console.

The following parameters are possible. They can be joined in any possible way.

  • -Benchmark : Create a benchmark.log file with start timings.

  • -NoLog : Do not create any .log files

  • -Joypad : Start with joypad support

  • -Language <ID> : Load language [ID] on startup.Example: -Language german

  • -Songpath <PATH> : Same as config Songpath.Example: -SongPath 'C:Ultrastar Songs'

  • -ConfigFile <FILE> : Load configuration file [File] instead of config.ini.The path to the file has to exist.Example: -ConfigFile config.SongCreation.ini

  • -ScoreFile <FILE> : Use [File] instead of Ultrastar.dbThe path to the file has to exist.Example: -ScoreFile HouseParty.db

  • -FullScreen : Start the game in full screen mode

  • -Depth {16|32} : Force depth to 16 or 32. Example: -Depth 16

  • -Resolution <ID|RESOLUTION> : Force resolution. Either by ID (matching an entry of the possible resolution list)or custom resolution (with the format of WIDTHxHEIGHT).Example: -Resolution 800x600

  • -Screens {1|2} : Force 1 or 2 screens. Example: -Screens 2

Some Examples:

Start with a resolution of 1024x768, a depth of 32 bit and in full screen mode:
ultrastar.exe -Resolution 1024x768 -Depth 32 -Fullscreen

Start without logging and with polish language
ultrastar.exe -NoLog -Language polish

Start with a customs configuration file and score database:
ultrastar.exe -ConfigFile 'C:UltrastarConfigsPartyConfig.ini' -ScoreFile 'C:UltrastarScoresPartyScores.db'

Ultrastar Deluxe Songs Download

4. Controls


[F11]switch on the fly between windowed fullscreen and window mode
[Alt] + [Enter]switch to real fullscreen (including changing resolution) and window mode
[Tab]show/hide help


Shortcuts for song selection screen

Jopen the 'Search for a Song' interface
[Enter]confirm song, search or menu selection
[Escape]go to the previous screen
Splay selected song as medley (if medley tags are set, use these, otherwise use calculated values - can be forced using shift key)
Dplay up to 5 random songs as medleys (if there are songs available with medley tags set, only use these, otherwise use calculated values - can be forced using shift key)
Eopen selected song in song editor
Fadd song to medley list
Ktoggle on/off experimental automatic voice-removal
Mopen the song menu
Pchoose a playlist for song selection
Rselect a random song/category
[Alt] + [Character]jump to artist with the first letter/digit Character (A to Z, 0 to 9)
[Alt] + [Shift] + [Character]jump to title with the first letter/digit Character (A to Z, 0 to 9)
[Page down]jump to first artist with the next letter/digit
[Page up]jump to last artist with the previous letter/digit
[Spacebar]when a duet song is selected, switch first and second voice

Joypad / Controller

D-PadNavigation (+switching to non-mouse mode)
Left StickMouse (+switching to mouse mode if not already)
Right StickNavigation
Keyboard mode
A / Button 1Simulates [Enter]
B / Button 2Simulates [Escape]
Y / Button 3Simulates [M]
X / Button 4Simulates [R]
Mouse mode
A / Button 1Simulates Left Mouse Button
B / Button 2Simulates Right Mouse Button
Left/Right Stick ButtonSimulates Middle Mouse Button
StartSimulates [Enter]
SelectSimulates [Escape]

Shortcuts for song editor

Arrow Left/Rightselect previous/next syllable
Arrow Down/Upselect previous/next syllable
[Ctrl] + Arrow Right/Leftmove only beginning of note to earlier/later
[Alt] + Arrow Right/Leftmove only ending of note to earlier/later
[Shift] + Arrow Up/Downchange pitch of selected note
[Shift] + Arrow Right/Leftmove the note (beginning and ending) to earlier/later
=increase BPM
-decrease BPM
Ftoggle note freestyle/normal
Gtoggle note golden/normal
Tauto-fix timings of all sentence switching
Ccapitalize letter at the beginning of all lines
[Shift] + Ccorrect all spaces
Vplay audio + video and follow the lyrics
[Ctrl] + Ccopy current sentence
[Ctrl] + Vpaste current sentence
[Ctrl] + Zundo last change
Ssave changes
Rreload file without saving
Pplay current sentence audio
[Shift] + Pplay current sentence midi
[Ctrl] + [Shift] + Pplay current sentence audio and midi
Aset/clear medley start beat
[Shift] + Aset/clear medley end beat
Jjump to medley start beat
[Shift] + Jjump to medley end beat
[Alt] + Jplay medley (starting from medley start, ending at medley end)
Ijump to preview start
[Alt] + Iplay audio starting from the preview start
[Shift] + Iset/clear preview start at the current note's time
[Shift] + Ddivide BPM by 2 but keep correct timings
[Shift] + Mmultiply BPM by 2 but keep correct timings
double click on a notesplit note in two parts on the beat at mouse cursor location
select and drag a note up/downchange pitch of a note
select and drag a note left/rightmove the beginning beat of the note to earlier / later
[Ctrl] + [Del]delete current note
[+ on numberpad]Increase tone of all notes by 1
[- on numberpad]Decrease tone of all notes by 1
[Shift] + [+ on numberpad]Increase tone of all notes by octave
[Shift] + [- on numberpad]Decrease tone of all notes by octave
[F4]enter or leave text edit mode
.moves text to right in current sentence
4copy 4 sentence
5copy 5 sentence
7lower video gap by 1
[Shift] + 7lower video gap by 10
[Ctrl] + 7lower video gap by 100
8increase video gap
[Shift] + 8increase video gap by 10
[Ctrl] + 8increase video gap by 100
9decrease GAP
0increase GAP

Shortcuts for sing screen

Sjump forward to 5 seconds before first singing note
Rrestart playback for current song but keep scores for already sung parts
Vswitch between video, visualisation and background
Wif configured and enabled, show webcam video instead as background
Ttoggle time displaying between total, remaining and already played time
[Ctrl] + Arrow Left/Rightseek 5 seconds backward / forward
[Ctrl] + [Tab]switch visualization / camera mode
[Spacebar]pause / play
[Esc] or [Backspace]cancel current song or end early

5. Build and Run

Freepascal 3.0.0 or newer is required to compile UltraStar Deluxe. If you had some older version of fpc installed before, make sure to remove everything of it correctly before trying to install freepascal (otherwise compiling will fail with various weird error messages). Also, using the 3.0-development branch with current fixes is suggested.If you want to help the project by coding patches, we suggest you to use the Lazarus 1.6 or newer integrated development environment.For linking and running the game, the following libraries are also required:

  • SDL2, SDL2_image
  • ffmpeg 2.8 or older
  • sqlite
  • some fonts like ttf-dejavu and ttf-freefont
  • portaudio
  • lua 5.1 or 5.2 or 5.3
  • opencv if you want webcam support
  • projectM if you want audio visualisation support

Compiling using Lazarus

  1. Start Lazarus.
  2. Choose Project → Open Project … in the menu bar. A file-dialog box will show.
  3. Change to the src subdirectory of your USDX working copy (e.g. ultrastardx/src).
  • If you are running Windows, open the ultrastardx-win.lpi project-file (Preferably use the win32 verison of lazarus, as the included libraries are 32 bit).
  • On Unix-like systems use the ultrastardx-unix.lpi file.
  1. Now you can compile USDX by choosing the menu entry Run → Build or pressing Ctrl+F9.
  2. If you want to compile and/or start USDX directly choose Run → Run or press F9.

Compiling on Linux/BSD using make

  1. make sure all required libraries are installed

Ultrastar Deluxe Download Songs

  • for current debian / ubuntu:sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git automake make gcc fpc libsdl2-image-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libsqlite3-dev libfreetype6-dev portaudio19-dev libportmidi-dev liblua5.3-dev libopencv-highgui-dev
  • if you want to build --with-libprojectM, you also needsudo apt-get install g++ libprojectm-dev
  • for Fedora with RPM Fusion:sudo dnf install git automake make gcc fpc SDL2_image-devel ffmpeg-devel sqlite-devel freetype-devel portaudio-devel portmidi-devel lua-devel opencv-develand to be able to use --with-libprojectM:sudo dnf install gcc-c++ libprojectM-devel
  • for arch linux there is an aur package called ultrastardx-git
  1. git clone https://github.com/UltraStar-Deluxe/USDX
  2. cd USDX
  3. ./autogen.sh
  4. ./configure (or use autoconf)
  5. make
  6. Play the game,
    • install the game and start it
      • sudo make install
      • ultrastardx
    • or start it directly

Compiling on MacOS (High Sierra)

  • USDX is built using Homebrew and official FreePascal build (using its compiler FPC)
  • To install Homebrew, follow instructions from brew.sh
  • You can get the FPC build from freepascal.org or
    • brew install fpc
  • Make sure the XCode command line tools are installed.
    • xcode-select --install
  • Needed brew libraries can be installed using (ffmpeg up to 3.3 is supported):
    • brew install sdl2 sdl2_image automake portaudio binutils sqlite freetype lua libtiff pkg-config ffmpeg@2.8
  • Clone repo
    • git clone https://github.com/UltraStar-Deluxe/USDX
  • Generate configure file and more
    • ./autogen.sh
  • Make sure that you have your build setup right
    • ./configure
  • Now build the UltraStar application
    • make macosx-standalone-app
  • Run by clicking UltraStarDeluxe in your build folder or
    • open UltraStarDeluxe.app

Feel free to fork this project, modify it to your hearts content and maybe also do pull requests to this repository for additional features, improvements or clean-ups.