Patch for The Sims 2: University.
Ok so i downloaded the no-cd crack and i dont know how to get it working and no i didnt download it just im on a laptop and i sometime kit the button.
Patch for The Sims 2: University. External link and download Patch Patch notes Fixed an issue where Angela Pleasant was not properly calling Dustin Broke to sneak out of the house. Fixed a problem in University where Dustin Broke would bring Angela Pleasant home from school everyday. Mar 05, 2005 BLeH Backup CD The Sims 2: University v1.0 ENG. I double dare you to fill this field! Aug 14, 2010 Java Project Tutorial - Make Login and Register Form Step by Step Using NetBeans And MySQL Database - Duration: 3:43:32. 1BestCsharp blog 4,019,295 views.
External link and download Edit
Patch notes Edit
- Fixed an issue where Angela Pleasant was not properly calling Dustin Broke to sneak out of the house.
- Fixed a problem in University where Dustin Broke would bring Angela Pleasant home from school everyday.
- Fixed a bug where inventory items and all memories were being deleted after joining a Greek house.
- Popular Sims' facial animations no longer ceases to play when talking to other Sims.
- Fixed an issue where hard-earned diplomas could be stolen or repossessed.
- Prevented teens from receiving the 'Win Young Entrepreneur's Award' Want when it is already satisfied.
- Fixed an exploit with the Resurrect-O-Nomitron that allowed more than 8 Sims to live on a lot. (caused many other issues).
- Fixed some animation problems that occurred when a young adult Sim prepared cereal on top of the mini fridge.
- Eliminated a rare improper reset when canceling a cell phone call on community lots.
- Fixed an issue where the game would freeze if the user input frame for paintings or the camera appeared during a special event cinematic.
- Prevented improper animations from running if a teen Sim age transitioned while sitting down.
- Fixed a reset that would occur when hanging out with a Sim that is trying to leave for class.
- Fixed a rare instance of a reset that occurs when canceling sleep with a specific interaction next in queue.
- The Grim Reaper will no longer fail to leave a lot if multiple Sims die and the lot is left empty.
- Squashed a rare scripting error that occurred when hanging up a cell phone.
- Exercise machines introduced in University are now unbreakable.
- Fixed a rare instance where the Mascot NPC would become stuck in place after pulling the sprinkler prank.
- Fixed a problem where the Greek Letter Decorations were temporarily unselectable after placement.
- Fixed an obscure looping reset that occurred when loading a lot during an active pledge scenario for a Sim who has moved to a different lot.
- Eliminated a bad reset that prevented Sims from becoming enemies of one another.
- The proper text notification is now displayed when a pledge is denied entrance to a Greek House due to relationship score.
- Prevented a rare instance where dormies could become stuck in a semi-transparent, unselectable state.
- Fixed an issue where Sims could not sit on a barstool at the Bachman Busbar (cheap bar).
- Fixed a reset that happened when meeting professors in a well populated neighborhood.
- Patched an issue with the game locking up when in cameraman mode while a pregnancy state transition occurred or a Sim burned to death.
- Using multiple nannies no longer causes one to become stuck on the lot indefinitely.
- Fixed an issue where nannies would become stuck in their car attempting to exit the lot.
- Sick Sims can no longer die of disease while on community lots.
- The lifetime want to 'Max Out 7 Skills' is now properly satisfied if the final skill point was gained via a SimVac aspiration reward object.
- Chocolate puddles generated by the 'Shokolade 890 Chocolate Manufacturing Facility' are now visible.
- Fixed a reset that happened when NPCs walked by lots in well populated neighborhoods.
- Fixed a scripting error that would occur if a Sim was influenced to clean up pizza boxes.
- Asking too many Sims at once to freestyle no longer result in scripting errors.
- The 'Buy a Fountain Costing at least 600 Simoleons' Want has been removed from the game.
- Placing 'Myne Door' dorm doors diagonally no longer causes entire rooms to turn invisible.
- Player controlled young adult Sims now properly retain their semester gauge level when being asked to move in to another lot.
- Sims no longer play the extended browse animation when purchasing an item from the clothing rack.
- Shortened the amount of time that children show their A+ report cards off to their parents.
- Fixed issues that occur when the same Sim dies on multiple lots.
- Lowered frequency of Child Sims aborting queue actions in favor of greeting their parents as they return from work.
- Fixed a very rare instance where Sims age meters would not properly reset after age transitioning.
- Fixed a problem where, in very specific circumstances, age transitions would fail.
- Ringing cell phones no longer wake up napping Sims.
- Text in the neighborhood lot information text box is now properly updated on University Lots.
- Fixed a bug that prevented large groups of Sims from entering the helicopter carpool.
- Sims who write great novels now receive the memory for 'Wrote Great Novel' rather than the 'Sim who answered the royalty check phone call.'
- Fixed an issue that could cause the text notifications reminding a player that their class or final was approaching not to display.
- Fixed a major issue where loading a lot with the remote control car in use would make all memory and job icons blank.
- Pregnant Sims are now able to use handhelds in their inventory.
- Fixed a problem that caused pianos that have been owned for a certain amount of time to cease providing fun.
- Fixed a case where the baby bottle was teleported from a Sim's hand, leaving the hand in a permanent grip state.
- Level 6 Greek Houses can now accept pledges.
- Eliminated a problem where Greek Houses were not accepting the proper amount of pledges per level.
- Sims can now Propose > Move In or Propose > Marriage towards non player young adult Sims that they became engaged to while in college.
- Fixed an improper reset specific to Lucy Burb returning home from school with good grades.
- Fixed an instance where the player was unable to exit or save the game if they cancelled an adoption related interaction with the social worker.
- The 'Cheer Up' interaction no longer causes crushes between Sims.
- Zits are now removed from any Sim that enters university.
- Sims no longer get crushes from playing handhelds together.
- Babies no longer appear in the pool of online chatters.
- Fixed an issue where assignments were being lost within a few of the taller dining tables.
- Squashed a bug where toddlers were not able to learn to walk when being taught with smart milk and a thinking cap.
- Fixed issues with Sims clipping through one another while sitting at bars.
- Fixed a conflict that occurred between a simultaneously visiting headmaster and grocery delivery person.
- Fixed a specific problem that would occur while traveling in a well populated neighborhood.
- Fixed an issue where Sims' thought bubbles would clip through heads of Sims.
- The 'Stay Home from Work' want can now be satisfied.
- Fixed a reset that occurred after multiple generations of large families that prevented death from completing properly for Sims in large, multi-generational families. Symptoms included missing inheritance, tombstones, and a lower Sim population cap per lot.
- When being called for dinner, the headmaster will no longer decide to leave immediately after arriving on the lot.
- Fixed various resets with the nanny that would occasionally prevent the nanny from being dismissed.
- Improved the cleanup of kicky bags (automatically cleans up any invisible kicky bags on lots).
- Patched an issue where the headmaster could get stuck indefinitely in a hot tub under certain motive conditions.
- Reduced the possibility of non player characters becoming stuck in dormie's rooms due to door locking.
- Fixed a reset that occurred while multiple Sims watched TV on sectional sofas.
- Book cleanup has been improved to prevent the potential deletion of unintentional objects, such as vehicle portals.
- Sims can now feed smart milk to toddler Sims sitting in high chairs.
- During a joy buzzer social, the camera now only shakes if the selected Sim is involved in the interaction.
- Fixed a rare occurrence of a reset that would leave a user unable to save or quit after a Sim gave birth.
- User created paintings created prior to installing an expansion pack can now be sold or deleted.
- The player will no longer receive text notification messages that deceased Sims 'are no longer friends.'
- Installing University on top of userdata that includes service NPC vehicles saved on lots no longer causes errors.
- Eating marshmallows now provides a slight hunger motive boost.
- Usability of custom content management has been improved by retaining the most recent page of content after deleting an object, wall, or floor.
- Fixed a rare issue that in various situations caused a pregnant Sim experiencing morning sickness to die. (aka Sudden Pregnancy Death Syndrome).
External linksEdit
Sims 2 University Crack Download
The Sims 2 University No Cd Crack Free Download